I created count up stagger animation using react-spring.
I am interested in react-spring as well as gsap. The official sample took a little time to run, so I rewrote it to work.
"useTransition" allowed me to specify callback functions for "from", "enter", and "leave" events." I wanted to "delay" in order to "stagger", but it seemed to be valid except for "from". Therefore, I specified "delay" for "enter" and "leave" to realize stagger.
const [items, setItems] = useState([]);
const transition = useTransition(items, {
from: (item) => {
return {
transform: `translate3d(0,${-80}px,0)`,
opacity: 0,
delay: item.delay,
enter: (item) => async (next) => {
await next({
transform: `translate3d(0,${item.y}px,0)`,
opacity: 1,
delay: item.delay,
await next({
transform: `translate3d(${item.x}px,${item.y}px,0)`,
opacity: 1,
delay: item.delay,
leave: (item) => async (next) => {
await next({
transform: `translate3d(0,${80}px,0)`,
opacity: 0,
delay: item.delay,
Then useState to change the state every 2 seconds to fire the transition in the demo.
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
setItems((e) => {
return e.length
? []
: [
{x: 0, y: 0, delay: 100, fig: 1},
{x: 0, y: 0, delay: 200, fig: 2},
{x: 0, y: 0, delay: 300, fig: 3},
{x: 0, y: 0, delay: 400, fig: 4},
}, 2000);
}, [items]);
At the end, you will see the following demo video
See you then, Have fun.